
A common metaprogrammatic feature is overloading. A function is overloaded (by name) if multiple implementations of possibly different types can all be referred to by the same name (in the same scope). Overloading has many practical uses (such as optional arguments, default argument values, function classes, etc.), and is simple to describe, so I though it would be a nice way to demonstrate a comparison between a few different kinds of approaches to metaprogramming.

The running example in the next few sections will be the overloading of a function negate to work on both integers and booleans.

I conclude with a overview of the advantages and drawbacks of the different approaches, and some ideas about the generalization of my favored approach.

Overloading with Typeclasses

Haskell provides a nice interface (with a complicated backend) for a restricted form of overloading via typeclasses. A typeclass is a way of classifying types by methods (to match the object-oriented terminology for (abstract) classes) which haves types containing the classified type. If a typeclass has a method, then every type in that typeclass must have a corresponding implementation of that method for the type.

To implement an overloaded negate, we make a class Nullable a with a method negate :: a -> a, and then instantiate this class for Int and Bool.

module OverloadTypeclass where

import Prelude hiding (negate)

class Negatable a where
  negate :: a -> a

instance Negatable Int where
  negate x = (- x)

instance Negatable Bool where
  negate b = not b

We can use negate simply:

negate 1 ==> -1
negate True ==> False

The implementation and usage of overloading is very concise for this typeclass approach. Which overload to use is resolved via typeclass constraint solving, and to the user this looks just like overload resolving in languages that have built-in overloading (e.g. Java). However, this simple interface hides a lot of backend complexity in how that constraint-solving works.

Additionally notice that, in order to write Negateable a, we had to choose a form for the type of negate, in this case, a -> a. This is due to the way that Haskell’s typeclass constraint solving works. If we had tried to be more general and written

class Negatable a where
  negate :: a

instance Negatable (Int -> Int) where
  negate = \x -> (- x)

instance Negatable (Bool -> Bool) where
  negate = \b -> not b

then GHC would reject, telling us

All instance types must be of the form (T a1 … an) where a1 … an are distinct type variables, and each type variable appears at most once in the instance head.

(Of course, this can be disabled via the language extensions FlexibleInstances and FlexibleContexts, but it turns out this just makes typeclass constraint resolution fail for our purposes.)

In this way, typeclasses don’t provide fully-general overloading capability where the different overload modes can have arbitrarily different types (e.g. take different numbers of arguments).

Overloading with Templates

Templates (via Template Haskell) offer more general megaprogramming capabilities than typeclasses. Templates are metaprograms that are executed before typechecking the base program. Templates rely on quoting and unquoting – quoting is the conversion of a string into syntax (encoded by a datatype), and unquoting is the conversion of syntax into code which is spliced (i.e.) into the base program.

To implement an overloaded negate, we write it as a template function that takes an extra argument, the NegateMode, which specifies which overload for negate is intended. (This isn’t possible via a naive implementation because the types of each overload would not match each other for the signature of negate.) Now to use negate, it must be spliced as $(negate mode x) where mode :: NegateMode and x is the argument to be negated. This splicing will be replaced in-place by the specified overload, before typechecking it. In this way, the type of the splice will be different depending on which NegateMode is given.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}

module OverloadTH where

import Prelude hiding (negate)
import Language.Haskell.TH

data NegateMode = NegateInt | NegateBool

negate :: NegateMode -> Q Exp
negate NegateInt = [| \x -> (- x) |]
negate NegateBool = [| \b -> not b |]

The usage of negate is slightly more complicated now, because we need to splice and given the NegateMode:

$(negate NegateInt) 1 ==> -1
$(negate NegateBool) True ==> False

Templates have a couple of significant advantages and drawbacks. Templates avoid the non-extensibility drawback of typeclasses; adding more overloads of arbitrary types is as simple as adding more constructors to NegateMode and cases for negate. Additionally, templates yield a concise implementation concise, even more concise than typeclasses.

However, templates add a lot of complexity (much of it hidden) – much worse than typeclasses do. In order to use an overloaded function, we now need to splice it, which can perform arbitrary computations and needs a whole metaprogramming framework (Template Haskell) on top of the base language that generates untype syntax to be inserted at the splice. To be sure, for this trivial example, it is very easy to implement the metafunction negate :: NegateMode -> Q Exp correctly, but this simplicity isn’t modular. If the metafunction was more complicated and relied on other metafunctions, then complexity quickly exponentiates. And since metafunctions don’t know about the types of the syntax they are manipulating, it is very easy to make mistakes and generate badly-typed or even well-typed but yet incorrect terms. Relying on arbitrarily-complicated template functions forgoes the entire purpose Haskell’s lauded type system.

Many probably admit these drawbacks but still find the power of templates to be worth the cost. After all, most languages are much less safe than Haskell, and they are still used prolifically. So, why not allow a very powerful feature (which is completely optional) that makes Haskell much more slick? This is a tempting point of view, and maybe I will adopt it one day. But for now, I am still naive enough to seek an alternative.s

Additionally, You might think that it is a little annoying and probably unnecessary to have to provide a the extra NegateMode argument. And maybe for some decent range of applications of overloading that is true. But if you want fully-general overloading, where different overloads can have the same types, then the only sure way of specifying overloads is explicitly.

(Sure, maybe you could ask for automatic overload resolution to be done via types when possible, and then only ask for it when that isn’t sufficient. That is a cool idea, and a way to achieve it would be somehow taking advantage of type inference to allow an _ in place of the overload specification argument. This won’t work for this templates approach, but perhaps it could work for the singletons approach – see the next section.)

Overloading with Singletons

Finally, this third approach is to take advantage of a restricted form of dependent typing that Haskell provides: singletons. In short, a singleton reflects a type at the term level (there are also utility templates for automatically generating singletons for many datatypes). In the code below, SNegateMode is the singleton for NegateMode. So, in negate, when the first argument is pattern-matched on, the case determines the mode type variable, and so NegateType mode is expanded to the appropriate overload type.

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DataKinds, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

module OverloadSingleton where

import Prelude hiding (negate)

data NegateMode = NegateInt | NegateBool

data SNegateMode :: NegateMode -> * where
  SNegateInt :: SNegateMode NegateInt
  SNegateBool :: SNegateMode NegateBool

type family NegateType (mode :: NegateMode) :: * where
  NegateType NegateInt = Int -> Int
  NegateType NegateBool = Bool -> Bool

negate :: SNegateMode mode -> NegateType mode
negate SNegateInt = \x -> (- x)
negate SNegateBool = \b -> not b

Using this negate looks similar to the version from the templates approach, but doesn’t require splicing:

negate SNegateInt 1 ==> -1
negate SNegateBool True ==> False

This singletons approach has the extensibility advantage of the templates approach without the downside of untyped quoting/unquoting. Additionally, this approach doesn’t rely on a complicated and hidden constraint-solving framework to use the overloads like the typeclass approach did, but we do have to provide an explicit overload specification argument (which I argued previously is actually probably correct).

As just an idea, perhaps it could be possible, somehow, to allow type inference to take care of singleton arguments. For example, the example usages above could become

negate _ 1 ==> -1
negate _ True ==> False

where Haskell’s type inference would figure out the type of _, which uniquely specifies the singleton constructor. This idea is not directly impossible in Haskell though.

However, can can do something similar by using typeclasses and injective type families. In the following module OverloadSingletonI, there are three main changes upon OverloadSingleton:

  1. The type family OverloadType is injective. This is necessary because TODO.
  2. The class SOverloadModeI can provide SOverloadMode as a sort of implicit argument via a typeclass constraint. TODO: justify use of typeclasses
  3. The function negate now uses the sOverloadMode method provided by the SOverloadModeI typeclass constraint in order to call negate' which takes the argument explicitly. TODO: explain how typeclass constraint is like an implicit argument.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DataKinds, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, TypeFamilyDependencies, AllowAmbiguousTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module OverloadSingletonI where

import Prelude hiding (negate)

data NegateMode = NegateInt | NegateBool

data SNegateMode :: NegateMode -> * -> * where
  SNegateInt :: SNegateMode NegateInt (Int -> Int)
  SNegateBool :: SNegateMode NegateBool (Bool -> Bool)

type family NegateType (mode :: NegateMode) = r | r -> mode where
  NegateType NegateInt = Int -> Int
  NegateType NegateBool = Bool -> Bool

class SNegateModeI (mode :: NegateMode) where
  sNegateMode :: SNegateMode mode (NegateType mode)

instance SNegateModeI NegateInt where
  sNegateMode = SNegateInt

instance SNegateModeI NegateBool where
  sNegateMode = SNegateBool

negate :: forall (mode :: NegateMode). SNegateModeI mode => NegateType mode
negate = negate' sNegateMode

negate' :: forall (mode :: NegateMode). SNegateMode mode (NegateType mode) -> NegateType mode
negate' SNegateInt = \x -> (- x)
negate' SNegateBool = \b -> not b

negate_1 :: Int
negate_1 = negate (1 :: Int)

negate_True :: Bool
negate_True = negate True

Usage now looks like this:

negate (1 :: Int) :: Int ==> -1
negate True :: Bool ==> False

Note that the type annotations are now necessary in order for type inference to work. This is because, otherwise, the output type is just a type variable, and GHC would try to solve Int -> t ~ NegateType mode which it cannot.

Overloading with Π

As described before, singletons are an implementation in Haskell of a restricted kind of dependent types. That is, they allow the output type of functions to depend on the values of its arguments. But how would we implement overloading with fully-fledged dependent types? The feature that we need is Π-types i.e. dependent functions – negate is a dependent function because its output type NegateType mode depends on its input value mode. The following Agda program implements.

module OverloadPi where

open import Data.Integer
open import Data.Bool

data NegateMode : Set where
  Negateℤ : NegateMode
  NegateBool : NegateMode

NegateType : NegateMode → Set
NegateType Negateℤ = ℤ → ℤ
NegateType NegateBool = Bool → Bool

negate : ∀ (mode : NegateMode) → NegateType mode
negate Negateℤ = λ x → - x
negate NegateBool = λ b → not b

Using negate looks exaclty like in the singletons approach:

negate Negateℤ 1ℤ ==> -1ℤ
negate NegateBool true ==> false

Note that, although Agda offers the option to make arguments implicit, trying to make the mode argument of negate implicit will not work due to how type inference works, sadly.

This implementation makes it clear what features were necessary to make the singletons approach work: pattern matching on an “overload mode” singleton, and a type family (i.e. type-level function from a type to a type) for the types of each overload mode.


We have overviewed three approaches to implementing overloading in Haskell (or any other language that offers these features respectively):

  • typeclasses
    • advantages: type-safe, very concise usage
    • drawbacks: not extensible
  • templates
    • advantages: very extensible, very concise implementation
    • drawbacks: verbose usage (explicit mode argument), type-dangerous, anti-modular
  • singletons/dependent types
    • advantages: type-safe, extensible
    • drawbacks: verbose usage (explicit mode argument)

So much has been built upon typeclasses in Haskell that it would be rediculous to suggest for them to be replaced with singleton-powered overloading. However I think that its advantage over typeclasses in extensibility and advantage over templates in safety are worth considering for new languages and design patterns. Typeclases are a huge framework on top of Haskell – a new language might prefer to use singletons rather than go through designing typeclasses (or whatever similar feature in its place, such as traits in Rust and Scala).

A generalization of this singletons approach is useful for much more than just implementing overloading. The basic idea used here was to encode the desired metaprogrammatic feature (overloading) as a datatype (NegateMode) in the base language (Haskell). Then the metaprogramming itself was simply to take the specified metaprogrammatic behavior as an extra argument to handle just like a normal function would (and, sometimes, such as in overloading, the function’s type may need to depend on this argument’s value).

This style of metaprogramming can be called mesaprogramming because, rather than how normal metaprogramming relies on features on top of the base language to handle metaprogrammatic behaviors (as is most explicit in the templates approach, but also present in the typeclass approach if you think of typeclasses as a metaprogrammatic feature on top of the Haskell base language), mesaprogramming defines data embedded in the base language to specify metaprogrammatic behavior and then performs the metaprogrammatic behavior by pattern-matching on this data as an extra argument.

I will write more about mesaprogramming more generally in later posts.